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Add a new DSSH/DSCP list of servers – HS Syswiki

Add a new DSSH/DSCP list of servers

Aus HS Syswiki
Version vom 17. Juni 2014, 15:35 Uhr von Vkl (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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# example - create a new command dssh10/dscp10
# 1. create a list of servers
bkp001.hr19: cd /etc
cp dcmdall.hosts dcmd10.hosts
bkp001.hr19: cd /usr/local/bin/
# list of related files
bkp001.hr19:/usr/local/bin # ls -la | egrep "[dscp|dcmd]10"
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   2571 Feb  7 15:11 dcmd10
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   1123 Feb  7 15:11 dcmd10_distributeKeys
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   1348 Feb  7 15:11 dcmd10_getHostsFile
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   1038 Feb  7 15:11 dcmd10_getMaxHostNameLength
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   3038 Feb  7 15:11 dcmd10_synchronous
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root    822 Feb  7 15:11 dscp10
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root    823 Feb 25  2008 dscp103
# 2. prepare commands
cp dcmd10 dcmd5
cp dcmd10_distributeKeys dcmd5_distributeKeys
cp dcmd10_getHostsFile dcmd5_getHostsFile
cp dcmd10_getMaxHostNameLength dcmd5_getMaxHostNameLength
cp dcmd10_synchronous dcmd5_synchronous
cp dscp10 dscp5
cp dssh10 dssh5
# list of new files
# 3. change the values in new files
sed -i 's/dcmd10/dcmd5/g' dcmd5
sed -i 's/dcmd10/dcmd5/g' dcmd5_distributeKeys
sed -i 's/dcmd10/dcmd5/g' dcmd5_getHostsFile
sed -i 's/dcmd10/dcmd5/g' dcmd5_getMaxHostNameLength
sed -i 's/dcmd10/dcmd5/g' dcmd5_synchronous
sed -i 's/dcmd10/dcmd5/g' dscp5
sed -i 's/dcmd10/dcmd5/g' dssh5
# Example:
cd /etc/
cp dcmdlast.hosts dcmdlastg1.hosts
cd /usr/local/bin/
cp dcmdlast dcmdlastg1
cp dcmdlast_distributeKeys dcmdlastg1_distributeKeys
cp dcmdlast_getHostsFile dcmdlastg1_getHostsFile
cp dcmdlast_getMaxHostNameLength dcmdlastg1_getMaxHostNameLength
cp dcmdlast_synchronous dcmdlastg1_synchronous
cp dscplast dscplastg1
cp dsshlast dsshlastg1
sed -i 's/dcmdlast/dcmdlastg1/g' dcmdlastg1
sed -i 's/dcmdlast/dcmdlastg1/g' dcmdlastg1_distributeKeys
sed -i 's/dcmdlast/dcmdlastg1/g' dcmdlastg1_getHostsFile
sed -i 's/dcmdlast/dcmdlastg1/g' dcmdlastg1_getMaxHostNameLength
sed -i 's/dcmdlast/dcmdlastg1/g' dcmdlastg1_synchronous
sed -i 's/dcmdlast/dcmdlastg1/g' dscplastg1
sed -i 's/dcmdlast/dcmdlastg1/g' dsshlastg1
vim /etc/dcmdlastg1.hosts
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